Friday, March 21, 2008

Wk 129

March 21, 2008 To The Ends of The Earth

Verse for the week:
Arise, cry out in the night: in the beginning of the watches pour out thine heart like water before the face of the Lord: lift up thy hands toward him for the life of thy young children, that faint for hunger in the top of every street. (Lam 2:19)

Quote for the week:
"God has called us to co-operate with Him in making the Gospel known to our generation." – J. Stuart Holden

Dictator of the week:
Aleksandr Lukashenka (Belarus)
(*Links to websites do not necessarily imply endorsement.)

Apostolic Missions Committee Member to pray for this week:
Earl Ringger (Gridley, IL)

Apostolic Elder's Wife to pray for this week:
Cheryl Ryan (Rockville, CT)

Apostolic Christian Missionaries to pray for this week:
Jan & Val Gutwein and Family (Haiti) - Pray for peace, encouragement, direction, and effectiveness for the Gutweins. Pray also that a hedge of protection would be around them, protecting them from the enemy's attacks.

Other News:
I recently learned of a statistic that truly pricked my heart. There are currently 143,000,000 orphans on the earth (defined as a child who has lost one or both parents). How does this statistic feel? Can we comprehend it? Does it impact us? Or do our eyes just scan over statistics like this in the newspaper as we race to get to the sports section, or the stock market report, or the weather report? Jesus weeps for the children. May the things that break the heart of God break our heart as well.